So I'm going to try and post. Several things, most good, have happened over the last week but I fear that my negligence and the irreparable damages of time to memory may hinder my telling of them. But enough disclaiming.
Last thursday I had an appointment to donate platelets. After all the preliminaries had been completed the nurse stuck the needle in my vein and and nothing happened. After checking all the tubes, pressure dealys, and other things the situation was not remedied. So they stuck me again, no result. They attributed my lack of bleeding to my blood rapidly coagulating at the tip of the needle. The funny thing about the experience was that they showed more concern about me after I wasn't able to give blood than when I had given it successfully. Was sort of a bizarre experience.
Another little amusing episode that happened last week was walking into the reg with rachael. She managed to drop her ID, library card, and credit card on the tiled ground and while she ineffectively grasped at the ID I picked up the other two. Was really amusing because of the number of people walking by as she couldn't pick her ID up because it was too flush with the floor. Eventually I tried and was also met with abject failure. Finally I picked it up using the knife I found to slide under it and lift it. So far the knife has been used to cut string, lift up an ID, and cut bread, which was unsuprisingly difficult as the blade is only 1.5" long at most. I've got a running list in my head of the its various uses and it appears that its not worthwhile to carry around, but nonetheless I now feel naked without it.
More than 2 weeks ago I went to Victory's banner with rachael and rose. its a breakfast place in Roscoe village that is run by followers of a man named Sri Chinmoy. (I believe that's his name) The food was almost enough to make me give up secular ambition and follow Sri in the pursuit of his spiritual goals but I managed to resist the urge, my thoughts and worries are with rachael though as I fear the influence of good french toast upon her. Some details about the place that amused me were the shelves of books written by Sri, one called
Beyond Within, I think
outside or
without was what he was going for there. Also the looping video of him lifting planes, helicopters, firemen, and automobiles 2-3 inches off the ground. I was astonished at his consistency in lifting objects varying from 1900# to 27,000# between 2-3 inches. Still, the chai was divine.
Last weekend I embarked on a trip to the wisconsin dells. Drove up with King and along the way had dinner with his parents and his healthy and mentally together 91 year old grandmother. In the dells we had some good times and made some memories. The list includes:
Top Gun drinking game: very fun, liked the rule addition of having to drink when inter-male emotional bonding occurs. Also we each got a call sign. Cho was our Maverick because of his stature and movie star appearance. Cougar was a surpisingly involved call sign.
Twirly Tornado water ride: Suprisingly fun, even on repeated descents, bryan almost killed cho and I felt like I was going to fall off every time. We also played 4 on 4 basketball in a pool. Was a lot of fun, the hoop was the perfect height to make me look ridiculous as I tried to dunk on it.
The food: Pizza I made turned out pretty well, Bryan's cooking though drew no end of deserving accolades. The smoked pork pulled sandwiches were ridiculously good, and the breakfast casseroles were top-notch.
Charades and Celebrities were played as was the train game, all very fun activities.
Caps: Don't play against Chuck in Caps, Lost 11-3 and then 11-4 or 5. I scored 3 each game. Don't play chuck, the inevitability of your defeat weighs on you after about 4 rounds of shooting.
The Great Clock: I was very happy that Thor came down with me so we could check out the Great Clock dealy in the main lobby. Its about 30 feet high and 20 feet wide. At 10 in the am an animatronic show began that was disturbing. First various woodland creatures owl, squirrel, beaver, and turtle talk about being called by the great wolf. Then an Indian maiden and french fur trapper (the beaver was remarkably composed with his arrival) come and are instructed in song by the animals about the "Rhytmn of nature." Ghastly stuff. Thor noticed that the spires on top of the clock with acorns right under them were remarkably phallic, I wholeheartedly agreed. It was an amazing 15 minutes. I reccomend everyone check it out drunk next year.
Drunkenness: Outright inebriation was relatively rare, though I vacillated between 1/4 and 1/2 drunk for most of the weekend. I also was unfortunately That Guy as I spilled beverages twice. I must learn to keep my gesticulations in check.
All in all good time. And sally pointed out that we managed to avoid talking about ultimate for the entire time.
Tues/Wed Watched harold and maude as well as The life aquatic. Both starring Bud Court as harold and bond company stooge respectively. I was surprised at the fact that I bought the intergenerational romance between harold and maude, early 20s and nearly 80. I suppose there is hope for love of older women.
Last night went to Gene and georgetti's to see Whitney with russell, yamaguchi, abando, king, and gunderson. Very good time over very good food. There's not much to say as probably about half of this blog's regular readership was present, but we all laughed really hard 4 or 5 times. Thanks again Whit.
On the way to restaraunt bumped into a really good friend from junior high and high school. Talked for a few minutes, forgot to get his contact info. Oh well, that's why someone invented Google.