Thursday, June 12, 2008

The state of things

So busy weekend lined up, lets hope that it proves fun in addition to busy.

In not so surprising news it is looking slightly more likely with each day that I will not play club ultimate this year, hopefully some sort of pickup team can be formed for the AY super important friendly spectacular in Naperville event (I assume he's running it) and after that we can cap things off up in Bowdoin, Maine. Plan-wise nothing firm yet, but I have a feeling something could come together.

Anything else, oh! I remember. For those who don't know I bought a car about 2 months ago. A sweet '04 bright blue hyundai elantra. Its a pretty sweet ride. Buying a car was scary, for those who know how cheap I am, try to imagine sitting with me through that whole experience, Trudy was very brave and patient. But so far the car is running fine. I'm learning small things about car ownership, like how to parallel park and changing while driving: which I'm very good at, the driving that is. So yeah, while I used to smirk when others complained about gas prices, now I sit at home (when I'm not commuting to or from there), stare at maps of Saudi Arabia, draw large red arrows from the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea to where I imagine there are oil fields and drop them off at the White House as I run by. I like instigating things.

Well sayonara, until an as of yet to be determined time I bid my faithful readership of 2? 3? a solemn adieu.

Also, I need to make an amendment to prior post. In the great penis line of DC there is a second statue of Lincoln directly on that same line, so add one more I guess. Its in Lincoln Park just across the street from me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey joe,
It's good to hear that you're still alive out in DC. My ultimate schedule is also looking pretty empty, so give me a call if you need a pickup for the AY super important friendly spectacular.

Blogger Bryan said...

Colin. BK. J Tang. Joe L. Sounds like the beginning of a CHC - clambake open team.

I may have to come see the penis line now that it has reached 7. That's the magic number with such things, I hear.


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