Once again I have tested the patience of my readership and at this point I'm sure we're just down to those who have this blog pop up in their google reader, which is fine, the savvy will inherit the earth and all that.
So my last post was shortly after the fourth of July last year. We're back by popular (1 person, love you cuz) demand so here goes everything.
My patriotic resolutions from the prior post have been fulfilled with mixed results. The John Adams miniseries was quite good and educational but the resolution to cheat less on my taxes was ill-timed as I seem to owe the IRS a bit more than expected this year, and my resolve to not cheat has served as a sort of moral anchor to the straight and narrow. Its a shame that my one New Year's resolution was to be more resolute or else I would feel better about breaking my prior commitment. Still, owing the IRS is one of those good problems (assuming one can pay) that one shouldn't really complain about.
One recent (as of last night) development is that I now have my very own internet connection at home now. Its nice being up to date in all the most recent technological wonders. I'm sure my beloved readership will appreciate the lowering of barriers to blogging that I'll now enjoy.
Went to Lake Tahoe with the Tea & Strumpets crowd a few weeks back. Was fun, I think I like snowboarding but will never love it, maybe I just have to get better. I also learned that I have an almost pathological inability to gamble. I did manage to lose $80 in craps in about 5 minutes though, so progress is being made. This was also the first time I'd ever stepped into a casino. Was more or less like I expected, except the bathrooms were exceedingly below par. I tried to practice counting cards while watching BK, AY and Tall play Let it Ride, but wasn't very successful. One morning I did manage to walk down to the lake itself and it was very beautiful. Rest in peace Fredo (Godfather II). (Note, I didn't really try to count cards but wanted AY to shake his head when he read that)
For the summer I'm thinking more seriously than I have in recent years about playing club ultimate again. That or work on long distance running. I'm leaning towards ultimate though, more social + more beer.
Well, I'm about to tuck into my nightly dose of Mencken or Twain. I'll soon develop a very healthy disdain for the American public I'm sure, which is fine.
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