The Heineken Maneuver
So today at work a colleague of mine started eyeing a piece of meat. And not the sort to lollygag about, or apparently to undertake any of this newfangled "cutting", he popped it in his mouth and after insufficient mastication, he swallowed it. But our story doesn't stop there, because the meat stopped there; inhibiting the free flow of air into his lungs and slowing turning him an alarming shade of red. One of our more alert brethren noticed the changing hue of his colleague's face and as he was telling the customer on the phone, "can you hold on for a second," a different coworker stepped in and performed the Heimlich Maneuver, dislodging the tidbit and saving our coworker's young life. I wasn't present for these happengings, but the person who performed the maneuver came into the kitchen soon after and informed me, rather proudly, that she thought she had just performed The "Heineken Maneuver." So let this just serve as a friendly reminder that choking can and does happen, and that no matter what you call it, you should always be prepared to use the maneuver to dislodge it.
In other, non-life threatening news. Went down to the old haunts last night for some lively pickup with JT and all the roommates except JF. My broken toe held up rather well, as I waddled and hopped about. Was a good time. Anyway, can't wait for Survivor to start and to hear Rick's always entertaining rendition of the opening credits song. It gives everything just the perfect primal air; I think.
In other, non-life threatening news. Went down to the old haunts last night for some lively pickup with JT and all the roommates except JF. My broken toe held up rather well, as I waddled and hopped about. Was a good time. Anyway, can't wait for Survivor to start and to hear Rick's always entertaining rendition of the opening credits song. It gives everything just the perfect primal air; I think.