Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am a rock God

Not really (for those of you whom the title may have duped), but ever since moving into the new place, which I suppose is now officially called "Real World Irving Park" (RWIP is the accepted abbreviation) this playstation game has occupied a place of prominence. Now with two guitars we can battle for who is the better rocker. Russell mentioned on his blog that if his ultimate team in college had played this game, they would have all dropped out. Its really addictive, though I seem to be resisting the the siren call of the whammy button for the most part.

In other news the ultimate team I'm playing on did well at a tournament in Milwaukee. We were grossly underseeded at 19th or so and went 6-1 (losing to Sub-Zero) to finish 5th. I'm just excited to be playing on a team with enthusiasm and competence.

Bryan continues to amaze with his cooking, both in frequency and in quality. I've recently got into the show "Feasting on Asphalt." Which is a show about Alton Brown crossing the country on his motorcycle and trying to sample as much local and genuine cuisine as he could. So far he hasn't liked pickled pigs' feet nor brain sandwiches. I'm really jealous of what he's doing as its something that I have, and I'm sure most others have fantasized about doing at one time or another. I got the bug after reading a book called "blue highways" which I'd be surprised if AB hadn't read before he went on the tour. Good book by the way.

So our place is steadily coming together more and more. We need to have a genuine get together at some point here. Its just dying for a soiree or fete of some type. We'll see.

As for me I'm doing ok, i've enjoyed playing ultimate more this summer than I thought I would at the beginning, even with the uncertainty about who I would be playing with. I'm a little concerned though about the recent lack of whimsy in my life. I feel like I've settled a little too much into routines. Its annoying and doesn't really lend itself either to productivity or creativity, hence the lack of blogging I suppose. In any event, I won't make any promises of being more regular but here's to hoping that I am.


Blogger Lyrica said...

soiree! yes! a soiree is needed!


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