Thursday, March 23, 2006

gent 1: And what of this new High Commissioner of sport? --Gent 2: I just hope he outlaws ice dancing.

As my own NCAA tourney bracket now lies dead, only good to remind me why I don't gamble, I am excited to find that I have found a new part for me to play in this madness that consumes us in march, that of a cheerleader. Specifically a cheerleader for UCLA. I do not do this out of a slavish devotion to the doctrines of Mr. Wooden or for Lew Alcindor's halcyon hardwood days or even, as strange as it seems in retrospect, because of a strange fondess for Bill Walton and all that he represents. I do it rather for a friend. George, I wish you the best of luck in your quest for the post of High Commissioner, I'm sure the money will aid in that pursuit. For those who don't know, which is probably about everyone, George Sullivan, my roommate from school is currently tied for second in the ESPN Tournament Challenge. If he wins, he gets $10K. Not a bad deal. Though George, while I salute your prescience in seeing Bradley's 2 victories, I am nonplussed by your filling out five brackets. (this is admittedly hearsay, though from a trusted source) I would call you out on this point of honor except that your barbossa bracket (not to mention the name of your 2nd ranked entry) is also kicking the shit out of my own humbled entry and not even the snoggle of pitt will change that now. I just hope that I don't prove the cooler to your dual-woman-on-arm-throwing-7s-at-the-bellagio run of luck. Go University of California at Los Angeles; go for George.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, now that my brief moment of glory has come crashing down and attempts to become lord high commissioner of all sports will have to be funnelled in a new direction, I can say that I am not proud of the filling out of five brackets, it was the result of a lazy Thursday morning in London and paper writing that should be taking place instead. To raise briefly and meagerly to my defense I can only say that the ends (the destruction of ice dancing) justify the means (the dishonorable filling out of multiple brackets).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo! ;)
oh... what brainsick comments!
what do you consider about it?


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