Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Whatever has happened since I last posted

Yesterday was good. Got off work, Rachael came up and we made some bread salad and smoothies for dinner. Perfect food in my opinion for the oppressive heat of summer. I tried to get Cho to have some bread salad, but he seemed very uninterested in the idea, oh well.

Not too much of note, watched the daily show and apparently it was their 10th anniversary show, they showed showed some of their funnier investigative reporter clips but oddly glossed over the fact that originally the show was hosted by Craig Kilbourn rather than Jon Stewart. I suspect that Jon Stewart doesn't care much for CK as when the latter had JS on the show to pass the torch, he made a lot of unfunny jokes about the difference in their height and gave JS some phone books to sit on; this was before JS could call people "Dicks" on TV with impunity.

Not too much going on at the moment, I have a dentist appointment this weekend, something that is both exciting and terrifying to me. We'll sign the lease thursday which is good, though it looks like we'll get stuck paying rent for 2 apartments in August, but its worth it to move. If any out of towners want to come to chicago and need a place to stay, I could offer very competitive rates.

That's all for now, nothing exhilirating I know but I'm trying to keep the momentum going so my posting frequency is a little better than once every month and a half.


Blogger Lyrica said...

What is bread salad????


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