Sunday, May 15, 2005

unleashed colour

So I went and saw Unleashed recently. It dealt with the classic themes of family, identity, and the saving power of music. It also had a well-developed subplot about the heroe's day jobs as an enforcer for the criminal element and member of the underground fight scene. This did not however, distract too much from the larger themes that the movie explored. It also had some great comic relief when the hero tried on a succession of ridiculous hats. They did a great job casting the lead actor as I don't think many other actors, have the necessary range to excel in the dramatic moments with a dexterity equal only to their actual physical dexterity. All in all I give it a B, and a 3.5 in my personal rating system. My rating system is the number of years that will elapse before I anticipate a willingness to watch it again, you could also call it a rewatchability index I suppose. To give a sense of scale, anchorman has a 1, unforgiven has a .5, and Ecks versus Sever has an infinite value.

So now that all the leaves have come out and assumed their more or less greenish hue that they will have until they fall in autumn I would like to point out something I observed while living here this spring. Its the great variety of colour that you get in the spring with the trees budding that while being unequal to the striking contrasts and range of fall is pleasing in its own right. Here you have an intersection of deciduous and coniferous trees, and the coniferous are all generally a dark green. The paper birch come in very early with a brilliant green, while the oak are sort of a duller more sedated green. The maple on the other hand are earl- on reddish in their colour, and there is another tree here, which regrettably and to my temporary shame I do not know the name of, that is a very striking pink. It makes for a colorful back drop, that was especially striking one morning when I went running close to sunup and was struck by the interplay of the light on a stand of mixed-species.

I wish to extend my congratulations here to mr. kevin cho on what I understand is a recent promotion, and to mr. akira yamaguchi on dating someone I know only as AE. While I may know this person they are not immediately coming to mind. The only AE I can presently think of is amelia earhardt, but I'm confident that the logisitical and temporal challenges of dating her are beyond even Akira's resources.

There are now some other people living here now that have arrived in the past 3-4 days, this is a net postive development as I have been be able to talk to more people but will eventually come at the expense of having to wear clothes in the morning on my way to the shower.

Finally, was watching some highlights of the daily show and they uttered the word chanteuse, which means a female singer of popular songs, and was used in reference to the cheerleaders' sexual suggestiveness act (not actual bill name) in texas. Just another reason to watch that show, you learn some really cool words. As a brief aside when I looked up chanteuse a I came across chantepleure which apparently means to sing in this world and weep in the next, or alternating joy and sorrow. Incidentally I suppose I should mention that I also subscribe to a word-a-day email thing that sends me other cool words. As it turns out I'm a bit of a vocab geek, though sadly one without the ability to come up with a better word than geek, or to pronounce anything correctly for that matter. My old roomie george had a rule in fact. In the event that there were two theories on how to pronounce a word, he would ask me to say it and then go with the alternate pronunciation. I believe this had a success rate of about 80-90%.


Blogger trophywife said...

dearest joe little -
just a note on your supposed word nerdiness (which i will admit is well documented, based on our very first conversation ever which was about crossword-puzzle-words... aglet is still my favorite. or ogee.) did you notice in this post your repeated use of the word "colour"? i find that spelling richer somehow than boring old american "color" and yet you talk about things being "colorful" not "colourful"... not that this particularly matters but i was wondering if it was intentional or not - and if you have a preferred spelling for each... in other (unrelated) news, i will have to share my nickname with my parents' other progeny as my sister has got herself promised to a dutch bloke whom i've never met. anyway. that address i asked for long ago (and which everyone now has) i will attempt to make use of as i've been sitting on something for quite a while, merely waiting for a box.


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