Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Service Horible (should be an accent in there somewhere)

So again I'm drunk, this is usually not the case up here, but as it turns out it was 3 for 1 beer night at the bar my boss and I stopped off on the way from the st. paul campus to here. We were really confused when we ordered 2 MGDs and 6 opened ones were put before us. But we decided hey, if they want to give us 6 drinks who are we to argue, we then went to a table to order some food. We were in between 2 waitresses sections and I was ready to order some tacos anytime they happened to come by, which took a long time. It was more comical than annoying considering the more of my 3 beers I drank the less hungry I became. We even made significant knowing eye contact with the two lasses but to no avail, I corraled a young busgirl and asked her if I could order from her, but she said she'd tell our server, 30 minutes later that server, apparently they use the term loosely, came to our table asking if there had been a receipt left there from the previous occupants, it seemed an odd way to ask if we wanted to order. Long story short we never ordered food, but filled our stomachs with beer, and relished the complete lack of service. I left them a note though that said
"Cincinnatus, empereor of the known world. Retired as a farmer. George Bush a make-believe rancher who would be king. God bless America and well-prepared Fish." It sort of just came to me over time, it really doesn't mean anything and is honestly more critical of GWB than I am usually, but I was drunk and the service was horible (again, spanish version) so someone had to held responsible, even if it involved a low-blow personnal attack on the man who even today said nuculor rather than nuclear power.
By the way after visiting the other day, I don't usually go there but sometimes it can be a good laugh, I was directed to a site that involved a cogent explanation of privatizing social security and anal sex. It was most hilarious. I won't link to it directly because I don't know how (still new to this internet posting thing) and to still have hopes of not offending anyone who reads this who might be a huge ann coulter fan, but if you go to the 26th of April entry for wonkette you should be able to pick it out and link to it.
So I walked in an 160 acre area yesterday that we burned 2 wks ago,. After we burned, the landscape looked like a war zone with the scorched earth and large plumes of smoke. There's already quite a bit of green grass coming out of the ground so it looks like a mosaic of green and black, that coupled with the greenish buds on the darker colored oaks made for some very nice imagery, at least to this observer. We also found a turkey and deer skeleton. The deer was fairly impressive with the entire spinal column intact and what not.
So I understand that tazo has linked his blog to mine , this along with bryan's and jayadev's links really puts the pressure on to keep this going and make it interesting. This means tazo is reading my blog though, which is exciting, Tazo I meant to email you the other day but I don't know your email address anymore, does the account work? By the way everyone should go to tazo's blog and congratulate him on his soon to be matriculation to medical school. Soon it will be Doctor Tazo. Man its hard to believe that someone who forgot to put the car in park in a chinese fire drill would be responsible for someone's health someday, but here we are, the world truly is a tremendous place.
I guess I shouldn't conduct personal correspondence on my blog, but this whole thing is new to me, like cheesecake to the chinese (note: I assumed here that cheesecake is new to China, it could well be the fact that they invented it for all I know, if any sinophiles wish to correct me please feel free to do so).
So I ordered two books online on Monday, which constituted my first internet transaction in material objects. They were Gamesmanship, the Art of Winning Games without Actually Cheating, and OutLaw Cook, I really had my heart on getting the former until the Seminary Coop emailed me that both were out of print and unobtainable by conventional methods. Hopefully I don't soon become as impotent in the bedroom as I seem to be in the online marketplace. Anyway with that sobering thought, even to me which is notable on 3 for 1 night, I bid you adieu dear online public journal. May you be a written record of why I never should, nor be able to hold public office.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Joe Little, I am enjoying some idle time and looking to see what Help Others Increase Income will bring up. this post is certainly interesting and informative. Help Others Increase Income is a good word to bring into the conversation. Great post. Enjoy your day!


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