Saturday, October 08, 2005

Sat. mornin'

So this morning was interesting. Woke up and walked to the lab where the resident naturalist was smoking rather furiously. This isn't abnormal or unexpected as he was giving a public tour and he seems to not like large groups of strange people. He expressed concern over the fact that there were several senior citizens in the group and as his planned tour called for walking 4 miles he asked me if I wouldn't mind taking some people on a smaller walk to cedar bog lake. Initially this caused a wave of trepidation to fall over me, as I've only been to the bog lake twice and the second time couldn't find the trail there for 10 minutes, I would also be ill-equipped to answer specific questions about the trail, like "what's that plant?". But for all that I said "yes, i'll do it." So myself and 5 happy adventurers went off on our journey, and it wasn't that bad. I only had to say, "you know, I'm sure what that is," or "I don't know" about 10 times. The toughest question I got being, "so labrador tea, I noticed you have it here, is it unusual to have it in bogs this far south?" yeah, I didn't have much of an answer to that one. But the tour turned out ok, I mumbled things about islands of mature trees and told my eagle and otter stories, and one woman talked at length about her fears of global warming and such. It wasn't too bad.

Got back and had cholestoral for breakfast in the form of 3 eggs and andouille sausage, then noticed a group of people in a red van. Apparently some student taught college course that will spend the night, though I won't be able to interact with them much as I'm going to mccallister college tonight to see some friends. I then went and walked my supervisor's dog nolly, threw sticks in the air to it, and tried unsuccessfully to make her stop eating grass.

Well that's it for this morning, I know that recently I said I would post more, but instead went the akira route of telling people I would post more and then did almost nothing at all for 2 weeks. Also former denizens of harper house will be pleased to hear that I spyed RA-extradonaire Mary Geherz in the twin cities marathon last weekend at mile 24, so we can assume that she finished. She seemed healthy though tired, though that might be the marathon's influence. I actually saw her a few weeks ago on I-94 on my way down to CHC. So hopefully we'll be able to catch up sometime and discuss things as they stand in our respective lives.


Blogger jsa said...

Congratulations Joe-

your first spam comment. The one above, not this one. Even though I am kind of inebriated.

Oh well.

DC revival tomorrow night, wish you could be here.


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