Sunday, August 14, 2005

So last week was interesting. We have been taking root samples at work which involves taking a 4.5 ft long metal bar, pounding it into the earth, and then extricating it by whatever means necessary but basically limited to pulling up really hard and twisting. This led to a rather hysterical, in retrospect, accident where keith, while using a handle connected to the top of the bar by a pin, (sorry I can't describe that better, basically imagine a removable crossbar like the top line on the "T" that is connected to the "l" part by a pin) broke the pin while pulling up really hard. This led to him punching himself hard enough in the face that it required four stitches.

So the family came up and we spent the weekend at St. Croix state park which is a decent campground. Basically did a lot of camp cooking, canoing down the st. croix, and riding bikes to a beach and having a picnic. I think everyone had a good time, was good to see caitlin and sean that at 6 and 10 are growing as fast as kudzu to use a floral cliche, and of course the ol' stepdad, mother and bro. Andy and I came back to the creek friday night to party at the dome. Was a good time, with much dancing and a group streaking event that involved at least 5 first time streakers. That was fun. I don't know if everyone was certain we were going to do it, but I admire their courage at not shirking even after a naked me confronted them with the terrible reality of what they were about to do. Was definitely the longest streak in my life, I think I ran/walked about 3/4 of a mile. That was fun.

So its now two days after the above was written and several things of note have happened. The first is that two people built a huge city out of mud that has canals, palaces, condominiums, a soap factory, a hydroelectric damn, and so on. The best part about it is that in order to have more "canal front property" they ran the water initially through a pvc pipe that was bridged over a different part of the canal. Effectively forming a long huge oval in which to further develop the site. I'll try to post a photo in the future.

Then there was tonight. It was Robyn's last day here and several others are leaving in the near future. We decided to have a few drinks, although i should note that since I am sick with a cold, that effectively meant most people aside from myself. It was quite fun with random dancing and such but got taken a little too far and now a door is broken. We'll see how that plays out. In any case that's all I got for now.


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