Monday, September 19, 2005

The attempted pirate post

So I promised I would post more regularly and so here is a post. I would first like to apologize to teammates of mine on Jobbers. Though sectionals will undoubtedly be over by the time you read this I would like to admit my error and poor judgement in talking about clambake and more specifically my desire to go there rather than regionals in my previous post. I think that I was still a little frustrated from my play at tune-up and was excited at the idea of going to clambake though I sort of always knew I would not really go. Anyhoo I'm sorry if I marginalized anyone on the team by what I wrote, I guess therein are the dangers of blogging while slightly inebriated.

Well after that rather sober note I'll get on to the happenings and goings-on of the past week. Monday while listening to the radio I learned that it was national talk like a pirate day. I actually tried to post in pirate prose. My attempt was rather lacking but the short aborted attempt is reprinted here for your enjoyment.
T'is morning while listenin' to the radio me be, I was remembered of the meaty meaning of this day. Tis a day for speech not unlike pirate and so I, so unable to write in a normal voice, on any other eve, will try my hand at speech resembling more a barge's raider than a man of thought and opinion well-conceived. I should note that while this is a day for pirate speech I found myself reading shakespeare, so if my prose seems more like (though not as good) as the later rather than the former, know that I tried though not too well. Also I should admit that the extent to which my thought and opinion is well-conceived is very debatable. Yestermorn ere my booty was won Keep your thoughts clean I spied in me box of letters from seas afar a letter from the new hampshire state. It was the reply to a note I had sribbled some ports past from a wrench I use the term loosley here as she is a retired schoolteacher I met while landlubbing through the eastern states. It caused a moment tender in this young cur's heart and gave me delinquencies pause as I learned what had occurred to her since our chance meeting much water under the bow ago. Ok I can't do this.
Well there you have it, I guess I unlike twain don't really have an ear for the language, and I should furtherly suppose that our differences in writing ability don't end there.

Incidentally, reading about shakespeare, actually an article about vulgarity in the NYT, the past week I learned in interesting tidbit. The play title "Much Ado About Nothing" is a bit of wordplay that could sound like "Much Ado About an-o-thing" the 0-thing apparently being a bawdy reference to female genitalia. That William was rather clever.

Yesterday I went to the same fellow's house as I did last friday to help put up a fence for his 2-1/2 horses, one of them full-grown is about the size of a large heavily muscled dog, which was fun. As we were putting up one section the neighbor's eight horses sauntered over to see what all the fuss, hammering, and oath-generating was about. In those numbers, standing near them in their natural fenced-in element was quite remarkable.. Afterwards we enjoyed an old-speckled hen beer which I believe jason or zahlen spoke to the merits of some time ago and with whom I concur. We then proceeded to the local tavern where much to my liking they had unlimited popped corn, though judging from the floor around the bar area they keep the hoover corporation in the black. We ordered the fish-fry and were not disappointed.

Finally, about 5 months after my own arrival and 1 month after the majority of interns left, we got our presumably last intern arrival of the year. His name is nathaniel, though he goes by natty and graduated from oberlin college a little more than a year ago. When I asked, "Did you know Lyrica?" He replied, "Lyrica Hammann?" So Lyrica, or any other oberlin educated reader of these humble pages, if you would like to pass along convey any message I would be happy to do so.

Well that 'bout wraps her up. Its off to pancake making and then possibly an extended sojourn to the allison savannah, its a nature conservancy owned savannah that abuts our property, and while there the other day I was struck by its amazingly high degree of awesomeness. Anyway ta ta.


Blogger Lyrica said...

Well that certainly is remarkable. And I feel rather confused, because although I'm sure that I must know this person, I need some context to figure out who he is. Which is embarrasing because he knows both of my names. What did he do at Oberlin? How does he know me? I feel dumb... and curious...


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