Friday, October 14, 2005

headin' north

So I'm headed to the chippewa national forest this weekend to pull pantyhose out of the ground among other things. I've been well recently, played yahtzee last night and did some shots of baileys while makin' pizza. Monday I should hopefully get a bottle of wine that I helped crush the cherries and grapes for so that's exciting, will have to break that out at some sort of social dinner event. And in the wha'ts joe saying department the word leptodactylous has been getting some play around here. It means having fine, slender digits. I may, or may not have a prize for the first person to use this as a pickup line. well gotta go cheers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing Google Maps
Fixes for the trickiest high-tech hassles. See all Steve Bass's Tips & Tweaks. Yesterday's blog about Google prompted me to take a closer look at some of the ways people are using Google Maps for business .
Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! If you are interested, go see my airlines related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.

Blogger ea said...

blah blah, go visit my site, it's great.

anyway, These sober posts are short and not nearly as entertaining as when you sit down after imbibing quite a few alcoholic beverages.

So please, more drunk posting, otherwise, i'll, well, i won't read as often. Or something.


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